As with all journey's we should start at the start. When started there needs to be an end. That end is the start of something else. But exactly what? Well let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
Leaders need to constantly keep their ears to the ground. They have to listen to what people are talking about them, whether these individuals are their subordinates, colleagues or seniors. But that doesn't imply that they have to change themselves for each feedback they get. Leadership training also teaches leaders how they ought to separate the good from the bad and act on things that actually matter.
Getting things done takes more than a leader. Leadership includes getting things done through others. It is not a singular endeavour. Simply like there is no "I" in team, there is no "I" in leader either. That indicates addressing team characteristics, the individuals on the group, the cumulative strengths and weaknesses of the team etc. Review lessons 1-10!
The function of leadership is click here not to lead, it is to get things done. This one ought to be obvious as well, but often gets lost in the desire to lead, be seen as a leader, be acknowledged as a leader, feel the power of leadership etc. Having power is pretty lame if it isn't utilized to do something. Getting things done is a pre-requisite for maintaining management for any amount of time. Just try explaining to your manager that you might not have achieved anything however you lead magnificently. And, getting things done requires more than just you, so see lesson 11.
Things like bad personality, fast anger fits, prejudice, and other traits can thwart the synergy and community you should create with your KEY Team Leadership group.
C. Share your values. The primary "glue" that will hold your key individuals in your company together is values. By sharing your worths you will attract those of a kindred spirit and cultivate significant working relationships. This is a relationship building business!
20. Constantly "be of service". Everything you do as a leader should be geared towards supporting an environment that makes individuals lives better. Remain in service to others and those that are depending on you for your leadership.